Day: July 17, 2024

Track Ownership

If you’re an existing racetrack pwner or manager, Autoheads is about to get your track to a whole new level. We are creating tools and a system to make ownership more profitable. Most importantly, we are building the Autoheads “bricks-and-mortar” track as the proof-of-concept of fractional ownership. Joining in this ICO ensures that your voice as an majority owner gets heard. This is not just a pipe dream; it’s the bridge that connects visionary ideas with tangible outcomes.

Launch Control (On): ICO

AutoHeads is a creative project that takes the love of the outdoors and a need for speed and then ties them together with a thread of entrepreneurial spirit. By leveraging secure blockchain technology we are redefining the world of motorsports with identifiable sustainability goals.

Racing has been a testing ground for technology that later appeared in consumer cars. Something as simple as a rearview mirror can traced back to innovative ways to get a competitive advantage on a racetrack. We are using the same competitive drive that is synonymous with motorsport to create a positive impact on the local communities and the planet.

Our NFT collections are more than just a pretty picture. They integrate critical indicators to help inform individuals as well as decision-makers on implementing sustainable strategies in everything we do on the racetrack and the communities we serve.

Using blockchain technology and decentralized governance, we are bringing a powerful consensus mechanism to enable the Autoheads community to participate in the decision-making processes without relying on a centralized authority.

Have you ever sat there in your racing seat and thought, man I would love to own a racetrack? Now you can in a bigger way than you ever thought possible. Or maybe you just want to keep it simple a collect a few cute NFTs to learn a thing or two about your environment.

Whatever road you take, this whitepaper provides an in-depth look at our vision, the technical architecture, the economic aspects, and our roadmap to a better future together.