

  • Nature Runs the Course

    Nature Runs the Course

    Topography plays a crucial role in selecting the ideal location for a racetrack foundation. Saskatchewan, Canada, known for its vast flatlands, presents a challenge as a racetrack without elevation changes deviates greatly from our vision. By incorporating historical elements into our racetrack’s design, we pay homage to the wisdom, craftsmanship,…Read More

  • Exploring the Future and Redefining Connections

    Exploring the Future and Redefining Connections

    How Autoheads is Redefining Virtual and Real-World Connections In an era where the metaverse and web3 applications are often met with skepticism, Autoheads is charting a new course by blending virtual exploration with real-world experiences. As the creator of Autoheads, I believe that the true potential of these technologies lies…Read More

  • Track Ownership

    Track Ownership

    If you’re an existing racetrack pwner or manager, Autoheads is about to get your track to a whole new level. We are creating tools and a system to make ownership more profitable. Most importantly, we are building the Autoheads “bricks-and-mortar” track as the proof-of-concept of fractional ownership. Joining in this…Read More

  • Launch Control (On): ICO

    Launch Control (On): ICO

    AutoHeads is a creative project that takes the love of the outdoors and a need for speed and then ties them together with a thread of entrepreneurial spirit. By leveraging secure blockchain technology we are redefining the world of motorsports with identifiable sustainability goals. Racing has been a testing ground…Read More